domingo, 5 de septiembre de 2010

One more in the crowd? i dont think so...

Well, to begin with, I have to admit; I’m not a blog type of person. In fact, I used to think people did blogs because they didn’t have anything better to do really, but well, here I am. You might be wondering, “Well then why is this guy doing a blog, right?”
Well, there’s a simple two word answer to that. Have to. I think this will turn out pretty interesting though. By the way, before I start, I should warn you, if you don’t like reading about sports, you should probably just close this window and get on with your life since I can assure you the thing I’m going to talk the most about will be different types of sports I love.

I guess Ill start by telling you some of the interesting things about me. I’m a guy, starting 9th grade in an International School in Caracas. Moved here a year ago and I have to tell you when I first heard I was moving here, I wasn’t happy, at all. I pretty much did everything I could to try to stop it, but, well as you can probably guess, I wasn’t very successful. I mean, now that I’ve been here for a year, I don’t regret moving here. I like it here, mainly the school and the people. But anyways, let me tell you some basic stuff about me. I would say, I’m in an average both height and weight. Brown eyes, black hair.

Interests, well, they all pretty much sum up to sports. I love doing different types of sports. There are a few exceptions, of course, but it’s one or two. My favourite, and the ones I practice the most are football (NOT soccer), tennis and running. Although I really enjoy playing all of them, and the good thing is that I’m not that bad at most of them. In addition to that I enjoy drama as well, getting on stage, acting, helping backstage. The whole theatre world. I pretty much enjoy all types of music, maybe not every single song, but I don’t have one specific type only. Furthermore, I’ve played piano for quite some years now and I recently played in the school band the drums. Don’t prefer one over the other, like them both equally. Favourite types of movies. Well, my favourite are comedies, suspense and action. Try to watch some whenever I have the chance to.

Preferred type of food, Italian. I’m a dog person, not really into cats. I find their eyes kind of scary. Main thing I dislike, science, no offence to all my science teachers, but I just find it complicated, confusing, and well not very passionate about it either so, not my thing really. I love my family, and when I say family I mean as in not just parents and siblings, I mean as in cousins, uncles, aunts and grandparents, I’m extremely close to all of them. I wish I could see them more often though; you have no idea how much they mean to me.

In this blog, Ill probably write about my everyday life, sports, my experiences in high school, just life in genereal. There might be a time when I write about something else but it will be rare. Maybe also about movies and TV series I’ve recently watched and give you my opinion on that, suggest a couple maybe. I’m going to try to make this blog as much fun and enjoyable as possible so keep reading! You havent seen anything yet...

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