domingo, 24 de octubre de 2010


Turns out, we all have weaknesses. YES, even me. Hard to believe, I know, still true though. Mine, is swimming. Last week, we've started a new unit in PE, swimming. This should be a good thing since I love sports right ? Well, sadly, it isn't. Ill briefly give you some background on the matter.
It all started when I was almost eight. My parents made me take swimming classes twice a week. For nearly two years this went on, (till I was almost ten) until I decided, I didn’t want to do it anymore, I was tired of it and I didn’t like it. I didn’t struggle with it, I wasn’t bad at it (at that time) but it just wasn’t my thing. Luckily, my parents were ok with it and they let me stop. A year later, more or less,  I moved, and in my new school, it wasn’t a unit in PE, you could take swimming as an afterschool activity if you wanted to. As you might've guessed, I didn't take it, I decided to take other sports instead. For the next three and a half years, almost four, I didn’t do swimming, at all.

Next thing I know, I move here (in 8th grade) and I'm forced to do it.  It was really frustrating since I have to admit I'm always trying to be one of the best at whatever sport were doing, and this time, I couldn’t. I hadn't had proper swimming classes in a long time and I had forgotten many things,  and even though at the end of the unit I had improved and I was no longer the worst one, I still hate it. This year, I'm hoping I'll do better, and I'll hopefully wont hate it as much. Ill let you know how it works out. 

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